I’m still in this odd funk. It shall pass. They always do. But sadly, the little boy is sick. He’s got a low grade fever and definitely something off with this chest. Nurse said it might be croup. What a bummer for him. He’s losing his voice and you can hear his throat when he breathes. He’s lethargic too. But he still has some happy moments in the day. He loves doing this pillow game where he throws the pillow on the carpet and falls on it. He likes doing it again and again.
And he still likes to collect things and randomly distribute them in the house.
A few weeks ago, I ordered some gelaskins of my favorite image from this year. One for my laptop.
and one for the kindle.
you don’t even see the back since it’s in a cover, but i still love it.
And here’s a wide, happy smile from the big big boy.
Not feeling motivated at all. Maybe cause I am so tired. But I am enjoying my book and my kids and hugging Nathaniel a lot hoping he will get well. Those keep me busy enough…
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a walk and quickie breakfast Nathaniel and I took with my friends Nicholas and Ty and their dog Peaches this morning. It was really fun.
2. I am grateful for happy mail from Tim and the Gelaskins.
3. I am grateful for some good conversations at work today and a great long chat with my awesome friend Audrey last night. There’s nothing like an old friend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my O puppet (octopus!)
2. folding laundry with mommy
3. catching the mouse in the cat and mouse game at school!
Love, Love, Love your laptop and kindle skins. Do you like the kindle better than you sony reader? Also I have been meaning to ask you what digital frames/textures are you using on your daily photos?
so far, i do love the kindle more. mostly cause it’s smaller and the ink is darker. but i don’t like the interface as much. maybe i was just used to the sony 🙂
i will track down the links to the specific textures but here are a few groups i love:
i hope these help you get started.
i will find my actual ones (i have too many) and link those too.