Weekly Gratitude – The Seychelles

Journaling Reads:
When Jake and I were planning our honeymoon, we decided to each make a wish list of locations and compare. Seychelles ended up on the top of each of our lists. So off to Seychelles we went.

I can safely say that I will never be able to take a trip that compares to that one. The sheer beauty of this place is unparalleled. The color of the sea and the sand and the rocks. The perfect, paradise weather. The multi-lingual population. The delicious food. There’s nothing about the Seychelles that I didn’t think was perfect.

While the journey was long and our luggage got lost, I am so very grateful that we decided to go to this unusual location for our honeymoon. It was a trip we would otherwise never make and I would have missed out on so much had we not chosen to go.

One day, when the kids are grown, and it’s just the two of us again, we shall return and enjoy a few more moments of this paradise, Until then, I am grateful for all the memories.

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