Daily Diary – September 8 2010

Fair warning: a lot of photos ahead.

I’m still under some kind of crazy off-schedule schedule where I get nothing on my todo list done. Nathaniel woke up at 4am again but then I just ignored him and he went back to sleep until 7 but by then I was awake so I couldn’t fall back asleep even though I refused to get up from bed. Didn’t start the day on the best note.

We dropped David off to the bus and then I had to finish a deadline so I worked while Nathaniel played. He’s loving the play table and being home without David for a bit.

I worked, he napped, I worked more, we ate and then it was already time to pick up David. When we got home, Nathaniel started taking the “outdoor” toys out.

And David decided to have fun with them, too.

We then practiced the smiling. He looks sweet here but oh so fake.

The kids were in such a good mood. Nathaniel kept hugging David.

And they would fall on the floor together.

And then he’d start to climb all over him.

David made a happy granparents’ day card at school this week.

Who knew my birthday was also grandparents’ day.

Then Jake’s parents came over and since they’re leaving tomorrow, I wanted to get som shots of them with the kids. Nathaniel and Meme first. Look at that smile.

And lots of love.

Then it was David’s turn.

I tried to get all three but it was quite the challenge.

Then it was Papi’s turn. Love the smiles here, too.

David wouldn’t give a non-fake smile so I told Papi to tickle him.

And then snapped this, too.

After the kids went down we went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. It was absolutely fantastic. Now it’s 11pm and my class starts in one hour! You can still sign up!!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a few awesome hours at the movies. Laughter and happiness.
2. I am grateful that my tight deadline assignment is finished and will be mailing tomorrow.
3. I am grateful that after tomorrow I can begin the business of establishing a new routine for the year.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my grandparents card
2. wrapping presents for mommy with meme
3. learning a new song at school (it’s about going in and out of bluebells, he said.)

5 comments to Daily Diary – September 8 2010

  • Qu’est ce que j’aime venir lire ton quotidien, tu auras toujours une trace de chaque jour passé et ça c’est vraiment super
    Gros bisous de France

  • Nikki

    I wonder if it was this game also known as In and out of the Scottish bluebells or Dusky bluebells.

    Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands and raising their arms to make a series of arches. One person is IT and skips in and out of the arches. At the same time, the circle sings:

    In and out of the dusty bluebells,
    In and out of the dusty bluebells,
    In and out of the dusty bluebells,
    I am your master

    Then, the person who is IT stops behind a member of the circle and the circle sings:

    Give a little pit-a-pat on her shoulder,
    Give a little pit-a-pat on her shoulder,
    Give a little pit-a-pat on her shoulder,
    I am your master

    Whoever has been patted on the shoulder stands behind IT and holds onto their waist.

    They then skip in and out of the arches together while the circle sings, with the person behind holding on to the leader’s waist.

    The chain gets longer and longer until there are not enough people to form the circle.

  • Ashliekuehn@ATt.net

    Love the gparent shots!

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