Daily Diary – September 5 2010

There are many many photos today. We’ve had a very full two days so feel free to skip this and the next post.

Today was my husband’s birthday. 3-6. I wanted to make it extra special. So it started with my giving him his present the night before at 1am. I made him this book of stories from all of the people he’s had in his life. (more on the book later this week.) I had been working on it for months and I was worried he wouldn’t like it or it wouldn’t work ok. But he loved it. The only bad side effect was that he couldn’t fall asleep after getting it so he ended up staying up until 4am. But we let him sleep in, in the morning. We got up early and set the table and waited for him.

When he got up, I made pancakes and the four of us sat and ate. Amazingly, this was the best photo I could get of the three of them.

Before we began, David gave his card.

the inside of which he wrote all by himself. And on the back it says “2010.”

He then opened his friend Kendall’s present which was a boba fett sweater. I have no idea what that means but Jake was really happy and that’s all that matters.

As we finished having our little family breakfast, Jake’s parents showed up. David rushed to open the door and Nathaniel followed him.

I’d asked Jake’s parents to get a cake on the way and some candles. That’s a lot of candles, eh?

We ate some cake and then it was time to open more presents. David was all too happy to help open them.

Once Daddy’s presents were open (and there were many), David, Meme, and Jake went to Target to get David some legos and a playing table (I’ve had enough of having legos on my dinner table.) We then took a little break and went to a late lunch at a nearby cafe. When we came back, Jake setup the table and Meme gave David another present, too. So they went outside to play with it. David threw.

Meme’s jacket caught.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel woke up from his nap and saw the Lincoln logs Meme bought so he had some fun of his own.

Look at the way he’s crossing his legs, my little boy.

I made the house and he attacked it with vigor. It took many minutes to make and seconds to come down.

And David put his new legos together in split seconds too.

After a bunch more playing, it was finally time to put the kids down. They had dinner, bath and bedtime. We had reservations at Gary Denko (a fancy restaurant) in San Francisco so we got dressed and left for the city.

Our delicious dinner lasted a long time and we finally made it home around midnight and I basically crashed in bed. An amazing day and one I will remember for a long time.

Happy Birthday, my love. You make each of my moments brighter.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my husband. Love and adore him.
2. I am grateful for all the friends and family members who contributed to his book and enabled me to give him such a wonderful gift.
3. I am grateful that today went smoothly and with utmost joy.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. My new legos
2. playing dodgeball with Meme
3. eating ice cream at the cafe
4. daddy’s birthday!!

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