Daily Diary – August 17 2010

Today started off late. Nathaniel decided not to sleep last night and I couldn’t fall asleep either. So it started our day on a hard path. But we still made it through our list of daily tasks, like exercising, reading, etc. So I’d have to say the day turned out much better than it could have. Here’s Nathaniel making another one of those piles I mentioned yesterday.

We received some boxes in the mail today and David decided it would be fun to get in them. He tried to get Nathaniel to follow suit.

But Nathaniel wasn’t as enthused.

Instead, he reached for David’s legos.

And David was pretty nice about it.

Then David leaned over to the chair to take a “nap” and Nathaniel thought it was so funny that he went on the other side and lay down too. I love how much he imitates his brother. His brother loves it too.

And he loves going through his brother’s toys. They are way more fun than his.

Here, I was trying to get him to look at me so I kept calling his name. He wasn’t easily fooled, though. He just smiled and kept going.

Perseverance pays off though and I did get my shot.

A lot to do tonight still. Emails to send. Some packing. Some fixing. Oh well… it will all get done.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we are about to have a few days of quality family time together.
2. I am grateful that we got to go to David’s school and meet his teacher. It all seems monumental and it’s stressing me out but I am grateful that he’s so excited.
3. I am grateful for an incredibly amazing happy mail today. I am a lucky lucky lucky gal.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing with my legos.
2. going to my school and meeting my teacher.
3. daddy and mommy and nathaniel.

1 comment to Daily Diary – August 17 2010

  • Kim

    There is just something about kids and empty boxes. Riley is the same, still. Loves the boxes things come in, loves having containers, places and things to stash things in. I wonder what goes on in their minds when they see these spaces. I wish I remembered what I saw as a child. Did you ever find out what it was that made Nathaniel’s thumb swell? Looks like he’s adapted to the sock though.

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