Daily Diary – July 28 2010

Another one from the beach. Today was one of those days where I worked and worked and have no idea where the time went. I did almost finish my project, though and I am so happy with how it’s turning out. This was one of those mammoth things and if it’s all I got done during my staycation that would have been worth it. But we tackled another big project: the garage. Not to mention the trip to the beach and the brunch and the biking and playing games. So much family time. My very favorite way to spend time.

I found more toys in the garage and Nathaniel’s been enjoying them so much.

And David’s batman motorcycle came in the mail today. He was truly overjoyed. Worth every penny.

My sweet, sweet boy.

He went biking today with Daddy again. He still totally loves it. I am so glad, especially since I cannot ride a bike.

As the day wound down, we had that sad hour of the day again where Nathaniel is just in a bad mood and gets upset about every little thing. That time when he needs a nap but it’s too close to bedtime.

He looks so much like me in this photo. Well life is back to normal tomorrow. At least until mid-August. Back to working, exercising, schedules, routines. The stuff I love.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the nice, leisurely walk we took this morning as a family. It was truly wonderful.
2. I am grateful for this project I am working on. It brings together so many people’s kindness and I am grateful for so much.
3. I am grateful for my husband. I’ve been feeling more delicate than usual lately and he’s been my best friend as always. I love him so.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. his new batcycle lego toy.
2. getting gold stars for reading.
3. our walk this morning
4. daddy.

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