Nathaniel is still waking up at ungodly hours so this morning I just pretty much lay there while both kids ate breakfast. I started Little Bee last night so I read more and more until I felt more awake. Nathaniel filled my scrappy drawers with his toys.
And then sat to play with his toys while David played with his legos awaiting his Wii start-time.
I love watching him no matter how grouchy or tired I might feel.
I then left for my hair appointment. During the appointment, I just kept reading. I wasn’t sure I liked to book but I definitely couldn’t stop reading it.
When I came home, David was playing and Nathaniel had already woken up from his nap. When I asked David for a photo, this is the best I could get.
And here he is, playing.
Nathaniel thinks he’s playing, too. I love this photo.
Then I finished my book. A little work on the garage, some playing with the kids and here we are. Short, simple day. But feel good. Maybe cause I know I have a lot more days off.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a nice haircut and good dye job. Always feel special after the hair dresser.
2. I am grateful for books. The way they let me completely forget everything around myself.
3. I am grateful for extra days off. Downtime.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing wii.
2. watching a little TV this morning.
3. daddy.
You needed to include a photo of you with your new ‘do from the salon!
i really should have, i didn’t even take one!