Daily Diary – July 17 2010

Months ago, Jake signed up for this weekend-of-video-games thing where they bring old and new arcade games (hundreds of them!) into this convention center and you can go play all weekend. It is this weekend, so he’s been going there on and off all day. And since I remember my Atari days so well and loved Space Invaders, I had to take a photo of his wristband.

And here’s David, who’s focusing really hard on his lego wii game.

So for the rest of the day, my only subject was Nathaniel and I took photos of him liberally. I love how while he sucks one finger, he uses the other hand to support the hand he’s sucking.

The hands are still reaching for his back when he walks.


I spent my day embroidering while I watched hulu and then i did a layout and back to embroidering.

I cannot get enough photos of him.

He’s so so cute.

And he’s still chewing on his lips. Not sure why. Though he’s got lots of teeth coming so that could be it.

Wii, legos, embroidery, layouts, tv, homework, and food was pretty much all of our day. I did work in the garage some (a big slow project here.) and after this I plan to sit and read a bit tonight before I am off to bed. Good, quiet Saturday here. I hope yours was just the way you like it.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Embroidery. I am really really enjoying it so much.
2. Hulu. So awesome to get to watch TV when you missed it the first time around.
3. Nice, quiet days with no deadlines or lists of todos.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. getting a gold star (he got one for writing today).
2. playing wii.
3. daddy.

2 comments to Daily Diary – July 17 2010

  • karin c

    I just wanted to say I come and read all the time. I am inspired by your work, your “style.” And you should know from an outsider that although you feel you yearn for talent – you already have it. You are very talented. Your photographs are amazing, your writing is beautiful and your sense of honesty is always appreciated by me. I just thought you might like to know from someone on the outside. The talent part? Already there.

    karin c

    • karenika

      This comment made me cry. thank you so much for taking the time to say these words to me. You have no idea how much they mean to me. Thank you.

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