This is really really awesome.
1. dial 1-800-888-3999 (it’s free)
2. listen to the options
3. when you hear number 7 press number 7
This so made my day!!! Thanks go to Jessica!
My first day back home and it’s pouring. What a bummer.
I watch a lot of TV and I mean a lot. For me to get my work done, the television set has to be on or I can’t function. I generally watch what most people call crappy shows since I multitask while the set is on. Last week I’ve started watching Gilmore Girls and I must say it’s awesome. The dialogue is great, the characters act well and it doesn’t hurt that they are gorgeous. It’s funny. It’s witty. Watch it. You know you want to.
I woke up at 7am today, which isn’t so bad for jetlag. Hopefully, this means I can stay up past 7pm tonight. I managed to write my scene for the novel writing class and get my shit together in enough time. It’s amazing how I get all the necessary stuff done when I have a minimum amount of time left to do them. On the other hand, when I have a week to do something, I never get it done.
Last week, when we had the terrible bombings and killings in the Middle East, the thing that terrified me most was that CNN had a logo for the whole thing within seconds. I find that offensive.
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