I woke up this morning at 5am to excruciating pain. My jaw was in so much pain I could barely see. And all day I’ve been taking as much Advil as it’s safe to take just to keep the pain down. This seems to happen to me about once a month for a few days lately. I think the camping exacerbated it. It’s been hell so I’ve been lying on the couch, feeling sorry for my poor self, listening to my book and scrapping.
David has been quiet and helpful and kind.
for the most part. Nathaniel, too. Playing and going through everything.
Coming over to visit me.
Bothering David.
And playing with everything inside all the drawers in the kitchen. I’ve already had to move everything glass from anywhere he can reach.
I wonder if all this is conspiring against my happiness project. Then I tell myself, it’s ok. Take another day off, it’s no big deal. Your body and mind need the rest. And so does my jaw, apparently. So I am resting.
And telling myself it’s ok.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for Advil today. It’s working its magic.
2. I am grateful that for the most part my kids are amazing, kind and understanding.
3. I am grateful for scrapbooking and for the two awesome packages I got in the mail today. Happy mail!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Legos.
2. playing with my toys.
One of the weird things I’ve come to accept about allowing myself to be me (and not a superhero all the time), while raising my son, is that it gives him an opportunity to find his compassion, know that the world is about a whole mix of things. There is no perfect, painless world to create for our kids, so letting real life happen, lapping up their compassion, giving them the space and time to find that within themselves and feel good about g-i-v-i-n-g of themselves is a gift TO them. Being ourselves, warts and all, surely loving and keeping them feeling safe – it’s all good. It’s real life. A great preparation for each and every coming stage of their lives.
So sorry you’re in pain. Thinking of you!
Jaw pain H=U=R=T=S! It just hurts.
However, were there no agony, could we recognize bliss?