Daily Diary – May 10 2010

Flowers are nature’s music.

Here’s a typical shot of our life. David eating, Nathaniel walking around. Playing.

And then both of the boys playing.

And Nathaniel practicing some more walking.

Uneventful but nice day here. Quiet, peaceful. David had a playdate in the afternoon and it was nice to have someone over, playing with him. He’s always so nice to others and I love that about him. He works hard to control himself even when he’s frustrated.

Not much to say tonight. Hope your Monday was well.

Note to Self:
I worked on being calmer today. Trying to stay low key, calm, happy and not get frazzled. For the most part it worked; I need to work on it more. I’m the one setting an example for my kids. If I am not calm, it sets off everything on the wrong path. Not to mention, it ruins my day, too. I certainly believe things are self-perpetuating and happiness is a state of mind and something I can choose. So is calm. I really want to work on this. I think if i could be calmer and happier, it would make life considerably pleasant all the time.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Good books. I’ve been reading lately and each time I read I remember how much I love reading.
2. Nice chat with my mom and with my sis. I love them so and I am thankful to get to talk to them so often.
3. I am grateful for tulips today. I got a new bunch yesterday and I love them so much. They make me happy.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I swear he said legos again.
2. Having a playdate with Ece.

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