I think am still in a place where I don’t want to track, count, or measure things. I want to give myself grace, rest, space this year. So no specific projects and open to what might come.
Here are some themes I plan to focus on and we’ll see what form they take.
- Coming Home: I had a really wonderful time with my project last year so I will continue that this year but I am not sure I will post any of it, we’ll see.
- Art: I have done so so much art in 2024. I really hope to continue to do that. Watercolors, sketching, whatever else I might stumble upon.
- Random/Reflection: Only intermittent reflection in 2025. When I am in the mood for it.
- Reading – I read a lot this year. I continued to read netgalley/edelweiss ARC books as well as audiobooks from the library and audible. I plan to continue this next year. I will continue tracking them on goodreads.
- Cooking – I am thinking of doing a 100 days of cooking project this year, if I do it, I will post them.
Here’s to a year of continuing to do what brings me joy and continuing to explore and find ways to create my own magic and come home to myself.
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