Review: Mothers and Sons

Mothers and Sons
Mothers and Sons by Adam Haslett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Adam Haslett has been one of my favorite authors from the time I read his very first book. I wish he were more prolific but I can also understand that it takes time to craft these beautiful stories together because his stories are always quiet, deeply meaningful and beautifully crafted. And this one is no exception.

This is the story of Peter who works as a lawyer defending asylum seekers and is estranged from his mother for decades. His most recent case unlocks deeply buried trauma and memories of his own experience and pushes him to reconnect with his mother and face what he’s been running away from his whole life.

This story is about how trauma can completely change the course of our lives, how we listen for what we want to hear and how each person is broken in their own way and how hard it is for all of us to be in this world caring for each other while trying to heal.

with gratitude to netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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