Review: Like Mother, Like Mother

Like Mother, Like Mother
Like Mother, Like Mother by Susan Rieger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely adored this book. Which is weird today because this book could have easily been called “Generations of Bad Mothers.” This book is about three generations of women: Lila, her daughter Grace, and Lila’s mother who died when she was little. Each part of the book dives deeper into each woman. My favorite part by far was Lila’s but I loved each part. I loved the characters. Even all the side characters like the amazing Joe who might be the best dad of all time. Joe’s wonderful mother. The “twins,” Grace’s best friend and the man who runs the paper with Lila. They are all wonderful and written so well that they jump out of the page.

I savored this book so much and tried to read a little each day which is incredibly rare for me.

There’s so much at the heart of this book about motherhood and family and siblings and marriage and money and choosing work over family and dysfunction and all the different ways in which we can mess each other up. I won’t forget this one for a long, long time.

with gratitude to netgalley and Random House in exchange for an honest review.

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