Review: Unburdened Eating: Healing Your Relationships with Food and Your Body Using an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Approach

Unburdened Eating: Healing Your Relationships with Food and Your Body Using an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Approach
Unburdened Eating: Healing Your Relationships with Food and Your Body Using an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Approach by Jeanne Catanzaro PhD
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have had an unhealthy relationship with food and my body for all of my life and I have recently discovered and become deeply fascinated by IFS so I thought this would be a great book to dive into and I was completely right.

I didn’t realize that the author is married to the creator of Internal Family Systems therapy and she’s been a lifelong researcher and therapist on body image so it is no wonder that this book is absolutely excellent. It is the best book I’ve read so far on clearly articulating and breaking down case studies of how to break down the different parts and understanding how to work with them to get to the root of what you might be holding.

I loved the clarity, kindness, gentleness and love with which the author approaches the subject and each example felt relevant and deeply insightful to me. It allowed me to think more deeply and to understand how to look at my relationships with my parts and to hold them (and myself) more gently.

highly recommended.

with gratitude to netgalley and PESI Publishing for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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