Review: The Night We Lost Him

The Night We Lost Him
The Night We Lost Him by Laura Dave
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Laura Dave’s latest book is about a family patriarch who dies. Liam has three ex-wives and three children. A daughter from his first marriage and twin boys from his second one. He loves them all very much and works hard to keep his lives separate and meaningful.

Then he dies. And his son Sam is convinced it’s not a fall like it appears to be. He enlists the daughter to help and together they go back and forth between California and NYC to dig up what happened to their dad.

This is a little bit of a mystery, a little bit about families, lost love, grief, love and of course secrets.

Dave is a great writer and once I started it, I didn’t put this book down until i was done.

with gratitude to Simon Element and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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