Review: Burn

Burn by Peter Heller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m a really big Heller fan. I’ve read and loved every one of his books. I love his writing. I love his quiet novels. I love his characters. I love the atmosphere of his books.

And Burn has so much of Heller in it.

It’s about two men who come out of the woods, returning from a hunting trip to find that the world has completely changed while they were in the woods. The town is completely burned to the ground and everyone is dead.

The book is basically their journey into understanding what happened. It’s political in its nature but it’s no in any way didactic. It’s about male friendship. It’s about parenting. It’s about government. It’s about human nature. And it’s quiet and scary and meaningful like all of his novels are.

I found this one to be a little slower than usual but i am still glad I read it.

with gratitude to Knopf and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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