Review: Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend

Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend
Zero Stars, Do Not Recommend by M.J. Wassmer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow I truly truly had no idea what I was getting into with this book. Don’t let the cover fool you, this one is intense. It has some funny moments, in fact it has a lot of funny dialogue. But it’s also some version of Lord of the Flies with the rich and the less rich vs the children.

And like Lord of the Flies, it has some moments that really make you question humanity. It goes in unpredictable directions even when you think you understand what’s going on. I had lots of issues with it but I have to admit that I read the whole thing in one sitting and I could not put it down, so that alone means it’s a four-star read for me.

It gets bonus points for being a crazy, wild ride.

with gratitude to SOURCEBOOKS Landmark and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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