Review: The Eternal Return of Clara Hart

The Eternal Return of Clara Hart
The Eternal Return of Clara Hart by Louise Finch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am not picky about which genres I read but the amount of YA I’ve been reading has declined quite a lot in the last few years. I think it’s mostly that when you read a lot of them, they start blending into each other, and you are not engrossed or surprised easily after a while. But when I saw this book in emily’s review I wanted to read it. I am a fan of the groundhog day trope, and one of my favorite YA books of all time also had a similar plot so I wanted to see if I would like this one as much.

And I did.

This is a thoughtful story as the main character is trying to figure out why his day keeps repeating. He is dealing with the grief of his own mother’s death and as the day keeps repeating he opens up to see more, understand better, and drop into his own feelings more as well.

There are many trigger warnings in this story so please proceed with caution but, for me, it was a thoughtful read.

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