Review: A Woman’s Guide to Inner Child Healing: Overcome Trauma, Recognize Your Feelings, Learn to Let the Past Go, and Become the Best Version of Yourself

A Woman's Guide to Inner Child Healing: Overcome Trauma, Recognize Your Feelings, Learn to Let the Past Go, and Become the Best Version of Yourself
A Woman’s Guide to Inner Child Healing: Overcome Trauma, Recognize Your Feelings, Learn to Let the Past Go, and Become the Best Version of Yourself by Gloria Zhang
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have never done inner child work and I wanted to for a long time so I was curious to see what this book would recommend. It’s broken into three parts and while not all of it spoke to me, I really liked all the exercises and I ended up doing 20 pages of journaling as a result of answering all her prompts. I also loved her honesty, humor and examples. If, like me, you haven’t done a ton of work but were curious I think you will like this book.

with gratitude to netgalley and Ulysses Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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