Review: Speech Team

Speech Team
Speech Team by Tim Murphy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the story of four friends who decide to take a road trip to confront their old Speech Team coach years later after another one of their friends commits suicide and they all realize that the words the coach used with them has broken each of them in different ways and has stayed with them all these years. So they decide to confront him.

Each of the characters is multi-layered and richly designed. The story is heart warming and at the same time honest to itself and to how the world is. It makes you mad, sad, warm, happy, joyful, thoughtful and it renews your faith in humanity and our ability to take care of ourselves and each other. Reminds you that there’s hope for all of us.

with gratitude to PENGUIN GROUP Viking, Viking and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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