Review: Gender Is Really Strange

Gender Is Really Strange
Gender Is Really Strange by Teddy G. Goetz
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gender Is Really Strange is a simple, high level and accessible introduction to how sex and gender differ and it also covers the history of different cultures and history of how we saw gender over the history. It also defines some of the categories including trans, intersex, non-binary, agender and several others (there was a mistake in this book conflating gender fluid and gender flux which are not the same thing but this book says they are.)

The book also talks about white supremacy and its impact on the gender definition and norms. There are several other related topics around science, physical activities, etc. It’s comprehensive and interesting and absolutely a great introduction in an easily consumable format.

With gratitude to netgalley and Jessica Kingsley Publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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