Daily Diary – April 5 2010

David’s been helping Nathaniel practice how to walk. Nathaniel likes to stand up but he’s not taking any steps alone just yet. David loves practicing with him. And so does Nathaniel. Let’s see when he’ll actually walk.

And then they both stop and start playing. And laughing.

He’s still sick and has a fully congested nose. It’s painful to watch. But he’s been in good humors because he’s the best baby on earth.

Since he woke up with a fever yesterday, I took Nathaniel to the doctor tonight and thankfully he has no ear infection or any other kind. He’s just sick the poor little boy.

I was quite productive today. I have a lot more work but it’s actually getting done. It helps to have two separate computer as it turns out because when I am on the work machine, I have nothing personal there and no way to waste time. It’s pretty amazing. I am still feeling a bit unmotivated and I am still making plans in my head but no actual art just yet. I am hoping the drive will come soon.

I haven’t yet done any of my silliness assignments either. I think it’s important to start a class when it actually starts or it throws me off. So I need to sit and catch up on this one.

Note to Self:
As I’ve noticed lately, it takes a while to get back into routine. The routine of life. The routine of art. Until about ten days ago, I was making some form of art daily and I was really enjoying it. I’ve made plans to continue that but I have yet to sit down and actually do it. Same goes for reading. When I read regularly, I seem to crave it more. I want to do it. I look forward to it. Yet when I don’t, I can go for days and never even think of it. I guess this is how people who exercise must feel. The more you do it, the more you crave it. So I need to find a way to get back on the treadmill of art. (Ugh that actually sounds boring but you know what I mean.) Getting up at 5am doesn’t help much but still it’s no excuse. I am confident that once I start again, I won’t want to stop.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am so thankful that Nathaniel doesn’t have another ear infection. So thankful.
2. I am thankful for the simple things today. For routine. For coffee. For time with my kids laughing. For sunshine.
3. I am thankful that my family is having a good time in Disney World. I am sad I am not there with them but so thankful that they are enjoying each other’s company.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Getting to build a big fort with the building blocks he got as a baby
2. Getting to play on Mommy’s phone at the doctor’s

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