This is real life right now. I’ve been holed up in my room for three days and I already can’t stand it. I’ve read three books, watched two movies and a show, painted 6 tiny landscapes and did 4 hours of Korean.
I’m bored.
I miss seeing my people. I already hate my bedroom and I have to spend another few days minimum here before I can retest and then hopefully I can have my surgery only to find myself back in this bedroom for a few more weeks.
If you have shows, movies, books, or anything else you’ve loved, I’d love to know. I expect I am going to reach new heights of boredom here.
#open #olw #stayingopen
Have you read Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard? I loved it and am currently reading the sequel.
I have not, I will check it out! thank you!
To me the picture looks like You were sorting and decluttering, no? Are you well enough to facetime a few People? Or virtually visit some art / Science Museums around the world. How abou Growing some seeds, that you can later plant in your backyard? Maybe Write some longer thought posts? How about truly resting? Meditating? Sleeping? Doing nothing and enjoying boredom? Maybe You can paint / collage boredom? And if You feel like it would You share here, , what you associate with boredom. I have my issues with it, too. So I am a Bit curious, what others think about it. Seems a lot of People like to avoid it like the plague. I Hope You feel ok healthwise.
Hope you feel better soon and your surgery goes well
Thank you!!