Staying Open – 13
I usually start the year with a lot of plan and goals and todos. It’s something I enjoy and helps me feel like I hit the ground running and started the year on the right foot.
This year, I wasn’t feeling it. Instead I started January slowly and without aggressive goals. I’ve slowly been shedding the requirements, expectations and the rush of getting things done.
My husband has kindly been taking our youngest to the bus drop off so I can start my mornings slowly and enter the day quietly. I’ve been taking breaks and each time I feel the anxiety rise around how behind I am, I take a breath and then let the issue go. I am not behind. All is well. Whatever needs to get done is getting done.
The rest is bonus.
If I fill all the moments up, there’s no space to be open to the unexpected and no space to be open to surprise.
This is one way I’m intentionally creating that space.
#open #olw #stayingopen
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