And here we are, we made it to the end of July. With that, comes the end of the break I’ve been taking from work for the last three months. I am so grateful for this time I’ve had and also grateful for how I spent it.
This months intention was to Invite Joy: Create some adventure. Go places. Do things. Hug your people. Take chances.
I didn’t actually go anywhere or do much. I did hug my people. I read a lot. I painted a lot. I loved spending my time this way.
Here are some goals I had for July:
- continue to draw, sketch, paint or do some artistic endeavor as often as I can – done and done
- try to eat fresh food – i’d say this is mostly done too
- do most of of HCOTF – i did most of it
- support N with his camps + classes – i did this though it fell apart a bit
- support D with essays + driving – did this too, as much as he wanted
- Journal daily – did this!
- Read a lot – so much
- Support J – did this too, to the best of my ability
- continue medication – done
- Continue documenting the joy – done
- Love my people – love them so very much
- Scrap and OLW – i did both of these
- Go outdoors, sit outside, be in the sunshine – i didn’t sit outside as much as before, but it’s been ok
- dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each. ( still haven’t done this ) – still haven’t done this, not sure what that means
- remember that it’s all bonus – i have, i’ve remembered this
- Be ok with not getting much done, rest. – i’ve also rested so very much
- be in the present moment, don’t count down the days – i would say i’ve also done a reasonably decent job of this
- Also I got shots for my hip pain. I got the CPAP machine.
I was originally not supposed to have all of July off but my doctor recommended that I do and I am so grateful that she did. It was the right call. I finally feel fully wound down, and optimistic and looking forward to integrating work into my life again. Here’s hoping it’s a positive experience.
I will continue to try take it each one day at a time and look for the joy again and again. Because I know that I already have all I need and want. Everything else is bonus.
I’m ready for you August.
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