I was supposed to go back to work early July but my doctor recommended I take a few more weeks off so now I will be resting all of July and will go back to work early August. I have been intentionally making sure my todo list for July is completely empty except for taking care of my people. I wake up every day reminding myself that I don’t have to do anything today. Eventually I exercise and paint and journal and read but I don’t even have to do those if I don’t want to. The idea is to rest.
This months intention is: Invite Joy: Create some adventure. Go places. Do things. Hug your people. Take chances.
We will see what this means for July. I think I will focus on rest instead.
Here are some goals for July:
- continue to draw, sketch, paint or do some artistic endeavor as often as I can
- try to eat fresh food
- do most of of HCOTF
- support N with his camps + classes
- support D with essays + driving
- Journal daily
- Read a lot
- Support J
- continue medication
- Continue documenting the joy
- Love my people
- Scrap and OLW
- Go outdoors, sit outside, be in the sunshine
- dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each. ( still haven’t done this )
- remember that it’s all bonus
- Be ok with not getting much done, rest.
- be in the present moment, don’t count down the days
This is my list for now.
July, here we go. Let’s do this. Let it be full of joy.
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