Still enjoying the monthly cadence.
This months intention is: Practice Joy: Breathe in the fresh air. Summer is here. Smell the water. Go outside. Sit in the sunshine. One more school year is over. Celebrate your life.
I have all of June off so this is a perfect prompt for June. Practicing Joy and presence and sitting in the sunshine is all I want to do this month.
Here are some goals for June:
- continue to draw, sketch, paint or do some artistic endeavor as often as I can
- try to eat a salad every day now that there’s so much fresh food
- do most of of HCOTF
- support the kids with all of the end of year activities
- Read a lot
- Support J
- take another class
- continue medication
- help D and N with their summer journeys
- journal
- Continue documenting the joy
- Love my people
- Scrap and OLW
- Go outdoors, sit outside, be in the sunshine
- dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each. ( still haven’t done this )
- maybe figure out linode stuff for email.
- work on a daily practice of giving yourself grace
- Be ok with not getting much done, rest.
- be in the present moment, don’t count down the days
This is my list for now.
June, I got this. Let’s do this. Let it be full of joy.
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