Still enjoying the monthly cadence.
This months intention is: Deep Joys: Take some time. Be still. Listen to the whispers of your soul. Hug your people. Dig deep and see what brings you deep joy.
It’s always interesting to see how well these seem to work out each month. Or maybe that they are recurring themes in my life of what I need to hear. Either way, I am definitely planning to be still and hug my people in May. And also to dig and see.
Here are some goals for May:
- continue to draw daily – finish out the 100-day project
- Go back to nourish plans/list – or at least make progress
- do most of of HCOTF
- Jeff’s graduation in Boston
- Parents here
- Support J
- celebrate Nathaniel’s birthday party
- connect with at least 6 friends
- help D and N
- journal
- Continue documenting the joy
- Love my people
- read more, still.
- Scrap and OLW
- Go climbing
- dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each. ( never did this in April)
- figure out linode and cloud stuff for email.
- take care of karenika email
- find a class to take
- work on a daily practice of giving yourself grace
- Be ok with not getting much done, rest.
This is my list for now.
May, I am ready for you. Let’s do this. Let it be full of joy.
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