Review: Upgrade

Upgrade by Blake Crouch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When it comes to writing a story that will both blow your mind and get your pulse moving, with a lot of deeply interesting science thrown in, there’s no one like Blake Crouch.

We’re in a dystopian world where the study of gene science is not allowed by scientists. In fact, all the scientists are rounded up by the government for even trying. This is due to an apocalyptic event that went wrong where thousands of lives were lost. Logan Ramsay works for a government organization that finds illegal gene labs/activity and shuts it down.

As a result of a raid gone-bad, Logan Ramsay is now a super-human. He got the brain he always wanted and his body is operating at an extremely high level on all counts. He’s strong, smart and fast. But, like all good things, all this comes with plenty of caveats. And his live soon turns into a cat and mouse chase on multiple levels.

I loved Logan Ramsay the moment I started reading the book. As with all Crouch books, the pace at which things happen here is fantastic, it’s fast-moving, exciting and there’s so much twisting and turning that you’re not always sure who to root for. And of course there’s a deeply-interesting social discourse underlying this whole plot. I won’t give it away here, but there’s a lot to think about and no clear answers as with all of life’s big questions.

Another great read from Crouch!

with gratitude to netgalley and Random House for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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