I might be able to go back to weekly updates but I am not sure yet so in the meantime, I thought it would be interesting and worthwhile to make a reflection around what I want to look forward to in February and some of my goals and plans.
This months intention is to List the Joys: See what’s bringing you joy this month. Make lists. Pay attention. See if you can find patterns.
I like this idea. I’ve been posting daily on my joys anyway so maybe i can take a moment to reflect in February and see if I see patterns. Paying attention is never a bad thing.
Here are some goals for February
- Start OLW book and journal if it arrives
- Go back to nourish plans/list
- do all of HCOTF
- Start 100-day project
- Journal
- Do art
- Step away from sugar and gluten for a while
- Continue documenting the joy
- Do the stitching quilt fun
- Read Beth’s books
- Connect with friends at least 2 times, ideally 4
- Love my people
- Find something to learn
- Go to SoCal and visit at least 3 schools for D
- Read more books (I ready very few in January)
- Find a fun documenting plan
- Get organized and find a schedule that works at work
- Help N with SSAT
- Go climbing
- Go on at least 2 dates with J
- dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each.
- Celebrate D’s birthday.
- Setup D’s desk and contents.
This is my list for now.
February, I am ready for you. Let it be full of joy.
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