Daily Diary – March 14 2010

I hadn’t had a tulip for a week. So here we are.

My little boy is still pretty clingy. But he does seem to be happier, thankfully.

Nathaniel got sent a book from Cbr (the bone marrow place) for his first birthday (which is coming up, amazingly) and David was trying to read it to him but he wasn’t paying any attention.

He did finally come by for a few seconds, but didn’t stay for the whole story.

And then he played with his walking toy.

And since some of you asked, I got Jake to grab some photos of me and David. They are not clear but I still like them.

And Nathaniel snuck in one, too.

Great day. I really finished all my tasks this weekend, I am flabbergasted.

Note to Self:
It’s amazing how tasks can have an effect on each other. I had a bunch of things I wanted to do this weekend. none of them were urgent and a few were things I really wanted to do but wasn’t really excited about. I did one of those big ones on Friday night which then gave me the energy to keep going and next thing I knew, I literally did all the items on my list. I know that the one task on Friday really caused all the others. This is the whole point of “eating the frog” but it’s amazing to see it in action. I think there’s something magical about starting your day with something for you (for example art for me) and then doing something that needed to get done that you’ve been putting off. The rest of the day is just icing in the cake. I’m going to try to do that this week and see if I can. Start my day with a layout and then when David’s in school and Nathaniel is napping, do my most important and burdensome task. Let’s see what that does…

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. An upcoming trip to Santa Cruz. I am filled with mixed feelings but also joyful anticipation.
2. Excited that I scrapbooked two days in a row just for myself. Grateful that I can.
3. Grateful for sunshine. It’s nice and sunny in beautiful California right now and I am so happy when it’s warm and sunny.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Craft time with Mommy. (I love hearing that!!)
2. Reading with Mommy and Nathaniel. (love this too!)

3 comments to Daily Diary – March 14 2010

  • Such big and lovely smiles! Another great picture to treasure.
    And rejoyce about your upcoming trip: there won’t be any snow this time!

  • PatP

    Bravo for you, getting in the pictures more! It is important to spend time on both sides of the camera (I’m guilty of being behind mine more often than in front of it too!) We are all self critical when we look at pictures of ourselves, but do you ever look as critically at anyone else in pictures? When I look at yours, I see a loving, happy, mother with her sweet little boys.

    Have a great day/week!

  • Christina

    I love these photos of you and the kids. I need to get in my pics a lot more also. Thanks for inspiring me.

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