We’ve had so many small and big things to celebrate this week and yet there’s always more to work on and more to do so we haven’t taken enough time to stop and really pat ourselves in the back.
To take a moment and really celebrate. To shine a spotlight and really soak in it, even if for a moment.
We need to do that more often. I want to do it more often. I want to celebrate my people and our wins, small or big. In fact I want to celebrate huge.
Because there are and will continue to be losses too. There always are. And when they come they have no problem taking our breath away and making sure that we focus on them fully.
So the wins…. they deserve as much attention if not more. They may not make as big a scene about it, but that’s even more reason to make sure we take the time and honor them appropriately.
Yes to celebrating.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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