Daily Year of Yes – 306

Year of Yes – 306


As the days keep getting shorter and darker here, I’ve been thinking about ways to help me stay open and joyful and calm.

Here are some things I’m exploring in this season:

– smell – I have a diffuser in my bedside and it makes me happier than I thought possible. As a person who has always hated incense I thought I would hate diffusers but they create no smoke and the smell is a lot more subtle. I plan to buy one for the downstairs too.

– sound – last year I bought candles that crackle as they burn, I love that sound and will use them more often. And they have the joy of smell too. Also I’ve been playing music in the house more often lately and I remember how much I love music

– sight – flowers continue to bring me joy. So do colorful lights. So does a candle flame.

– silence – I’ve fallen out of my restorative yoga practice in service of other exercise, I plan to bring it back and add meditation as well.

– reflection – I do better in all things when I am intentional about how to spend my day and when I journal about how I feel and what I need to release.

– care – when I spend time focusing on skincare, gums, sleep, and nutrition, life flows more easily for me.

– connection – I am introverted enough to always at peace in my own company but I also know that connection feeds my soul so when I make an effort to do it more, I never regret it.

– air – and finally even in the cold, fresh air is an elixir. Something I crave daily.

So in this season that’s tougher for me, I plan to make an effort to do more of these. And I am always seeking new ways to make the darker days be a little lighter on my soul.

Yes to making things lighter.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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