Here’s something I realized today. Let’s say I get to have a cup of energy every day. It’s like a glass full of water and I get to sip it with each person, each meeting, each email or whatever. I get to decide who or what gets how much from the cup.
But here’s what I don’t get to decide: I don’t get to have endless cups or endless “water.” The cup is a specific size and it starts full most mornings and it doesn’t get a refill during the day. So it’s all I get to have.
If I use it up by 10am, that’s all there is and no one or nothing gets to have any when the cup is empty.
So, knowing that, it’s important for me to make sure that I am intentional in how I use my “water” for the day.
If I want to live inside out, honoring my values, well I’d better distribute the water so most of it goes towards the people and things that are aligned with my values.
If I care the full amount about everything ( which I, sadly, often do ) then I am living life as if there is a bottomless cup or infinite cups.
There isn’t.
So this is my lesson of the day.
This might already be obvious to others but it wasn’t to me. I know this to be true about time and I generally use my time very intentionally but until today I didn’t really consider this to be true about my energy and my worry. I am anxious about all the things and all the times, and, well that doesn’t work.
So now I will imagine a cup every morning and as I move through my day I will be careful about when and how I use up what’s in it.
Yes to being intentional.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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