Daily Year of Yes – 245

Year of Yes – 245

This morning I did not want to ride the bike. I was tired and sleepy and had a lot of work and just wasn’t in the mood.

Instead of not doing it, I told myself it was ok to get on and do it poorly. Do it slowly. Just do it any which way.

It’s so easy to have black or white thinking. Do or don’t do some exercise is better than no exercise. Some good nutrition is better than none. Some art, some writing, some work, some connection. All of these are better than none.

I got on the bike and I did it. I didn’t do as well as I usually do and I didn’t get to do the rest of my exercise because I ran out of time. But I did go climbing.

Most of life is in the gray. I’m reminding myself to show up. Even when I don’t want to. Even if it’s half-ass.

Just show up.

Yes to doing it poorly but doing it anyway.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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