I’m reading an ARC (advanced copy) which is a novel based on Thomas Mann’s life. I have never read “The Magic Mountain” or any of Mann’s novels and I am finding this book fascinating.
People are fascinating. The choices we make, the stories we tell ourselves, the secret lives we lead.
Earlier today I was listening to a podcast where the speakers are trying to talk about topics we don’t openly share. The topics themselves are innocuous but the way we talk about them is the same way we respond to “Hi, how are you?” when a friend passes you by on the street.
We don’t tell them the truth. Because the truth is that life is messy and people are complicated. And things that involve people are also complicated.
Any time people, books, movies share the true, messier nature of humans, I find myself deeply engaged. True connection can only emerge from being able to see each other as we are and accepting each other as we are.
And I find the complexity of human nature to be deeply curious. The more I see, the more I want to learn. Because we are messy, imperfect and marvelous in our uniqueness.
Yes to the mess of it all and yes to those brave enough to live and speak truths so that the rest of us can feel less alone.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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