Daily Year of Yes – 175

Year of Yes – 175

Life is not a straight journey. It meanders all over the place and from a distance it can look like a linear path but day by day, it’s anything but.

So is learning.

A few months ago, I got a coach at work. She and I have been meeting weekly and the topics have been all over place (much like my life lately) and sometimes I’ll end a session anxious that I’m not covering what I should or that I meandered too much or that I am not “progressing” at the right pace.

I’ve made a lot of progress in a lot of areas of my life this year. But in my mind I’d reached out for a career coach for a specific reason and I wasn’t actively working on that in our sessions and I felt guilty about that each time.

And yet today as we started talking and I was sharing some of the updates from my week and some of my learnings and in seemingly unrelated areas I was able to take a step back and have a very clear point of view and direction about all the things I was intending to talk to her about.

And I clearly articulated that I want to do this, this, and this over the next couple of weeks to help towards my goal. It was well thought out, precise, and intentional.

Interestingly enough I had no idea that I was going to say any of that before the session started so it wasn’t planned. And yet it came together anyway.

This, in my experience, is the gift of unstructured talking time or the meandering nature of life. It looks like it’s all over the place but it’s actually converging and you’re actually progressing. It’s just hard to see when you’re in the middle of it because the messy middle is messy by definition.

It also reminded me that I have to give myself permission to wander. Permission to get messy. Permission to not know what’s coming next or where I want to get next. Permission and space.

It was a good day.

Yes to the messy middle.

And on a side note today’s my dad’s 78th birthday. I love and adore you, daddy. I am grateful for you and your kindness every single day.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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