Ranunculus season is almost over and I already miss these flowers that make me so happy.
I have a lot on my mind today. We had a two-hour educational session for Juneteenth which was inspiring and thought-provoking. I also did some learning on my own. And as always, it reminded me how much more I have to learn.
Then I had some vulnerable conversations at work. That were good but then comes the vulnerability hangover that brene brown talks about so I am feeling some of that right now.
And i am trying to sit with it all and be present to what is instead of doing something like I often want to.
One of my goals around picking the word ‘yes’ was saying yes to what is. Being present to what’s here.
Being vs doing.
Being is really hard for me. I’d much rather do. I like to help, serve and make things better. But some things take time, other things are completely out of my control, and yet other things will not get better and it’s just life.
So instead of fighting it or beating myself up for not fixing it, I am trying to be here, feel my feelings and do the best I can when it’s possible.
Some days I do better than others but it’s always hard. So here I am today sitting with it all and working on being.
Yes to being. Yes to leaning in to what is. Yes to learning.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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