It’s birthday season over here. Today is my nephews’ 22nd birthday. Yet another reminder of the passage of time and how lucky I am to get to see them grow into loving, kind and capable human beings. What a joy!
Sunday nights are usually not my favorite. But lately I am finding myself grounded and calm. This is likely the best gift the universe can give me.
Even though my 100 days of radical wellness has been over for a while, I’m still eating the greens and protein. I am drinking more water. I am exercising and doing art and journaling. And the restorative yoga continues to change my life.
I expect the next few months will bring a lot of change and uncertainty. Work, school, and reentry into life are all going to be transitions and I am usually not a fan of transition.
I plan to hang on to all this wellness I am grounded in and say yes to receiving it all with grace and an adventurous spirit.
Yes to what comes and yes to adventure. And yes to the guidance of calm.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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