I don’t handle change all that well. I tend to thrive on routine and I like consistency.
This year at work has been nothing but change. Just when I get one routine going, another major change descends and I have to reconfigure my thinking and my structure again and again.
Today was the beginning of yet another change. I’m not loving it so far. It’s hectic and the ground under me feels like it’s shifting and I am just so tired of having to adapt.
And yet I am, of course, learning so much, too, and trying to remind myself that choosing yes was about being here now and leaning into what is.
So I am trying to breathe an extra few breaths and reminding myself that it’s all going to work out. Because it always does in the end.
And it’s not the end yet.
Yes to leaning in. Yes to being open. Yes to being uncomfortable.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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