Since Sunday I’ve been taking photos of our ordinary life to capture a typical week in our current life.
I did this @aliedwards week in the life project back in 2012, when I had a 3 year old and a 7 year old. I did it again in 2014 with a 5 and 9 year old and now I have a 12 and 16 year old and we are all at home doing school and work from here.
Ordinary life is anything but ordinary. And these tiny, irrelevant seeming moments of life are ephemeral and they are made of gold.
I know that when my kids are off living their own lives, I will miss these moments the most. The seemingly inconsequential experience of my teenager eating cereal as he surfs on his phone. Or my younger one watching movies. I will miss the sounds they make as they work. The laughter when they are chatting with their friends. I will even miss the mess in their rooms.
Because our everyday ordinary life is filled with their life and their souls. It’s us in this moment of time that will never be here again. We get to be right here right now only this one time.
And through this magical project I get to capture a tiny sliver of that and keep it with me forever.
How is that not the best deal ever?
Yes to capturing our everyday, yes to telling our stories.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes #weekinthelife
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