For mother’s day, big boy wrote me this wonderful, touching and thoughtful letter.
And the best part? The code he wrote to compile the letter is shaped like a heart.
I know today can be a tough day for many people for a wide range of reasons. I also know it can come with a lot of expectations.
Years and years ago I used to get all excited about New Year’s Eve plans and my expectations would be set so high that we would end up having a spectacular fight every time.
After several years of repeating this, one year I got really sick and we ended up in bed playing video games all night. It was the best new year’s eve and it taught me a great lesson around having no expectations and just being grateful to be here now.
So that’s how I feel today. I am grateful for my sons who are kind and thoughtful and give hugs freely. I am grateful for my husband who is generous and loving and also had a deeply thoughtful gift, too.
I am grateful for my nephews who are one of a kind just like my sister who is the best mom. For my friends who sent me kind, loving notes today to celebrate.
And I am so grateful for my amazing mom who made all this magical family possible. Who still teaches me new things daily, who loves me unconditionally and who brightens all my days.
I am using this as an opportunity to take a moment to be grateful because I know that all of this is rare and not guaranteed. I don’t want to take any of it for granted for a moment.
Yes to taking a moment today for deep gratitude.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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