When I wrote down my goals around choosing the word yes this year, I wrote down “less catasrophizing” and “less holding on” and “more optimism” and “more adventures” and all of these goals are being put to the test this week.
I am trying to understand the balance between inertia and calm. Between optimism and resignation. Between acceptance and daring. It’s hard to tell whether the source is one or the other.
Either way, for the most part, I am finding that I’m moving through this complicated life pretty calmly at the moment. Doing the next best thing I can and trying not to think too far ahead.
The situation in India is very scary and devastating. It’s now spread to parts of Singapore and vaccinated people are dying. So if I jump to potential futures for us, I can easily get to a grim place quickly. Instead I am trying to keep my eyes down and do the next right thing at home, at work, in my life.
And really that’s all I get to do. Be here now and do the best I can.
Yes to showing up to life and yes to being present. And yes to more optimism.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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