I painted today for the first time in a long time.
Long time.
I’ve been wanting to make more art but having a lot of trouble with getting started. So over the weekend, I bought some paint, a 6×6 journal and I made a box full of some stencils, ephemera, and a few other materials.
I set my timer to 15 minutes and got to work.
Is it the most beautiful page I’ve ever creater? Absolutely not. Do I even like it? Not sure. Am I glad I did it? Yes yes yes.
The feel of paint in my hands and the freedom to just have fun was exactly what I was seeking.
For me, boundaries help Witt creativity and fun and freedom. Two containers of materials, 6×6 page, and 15 minutes. Those are my boundaries.
They help set me free.
Yes to painting. Yes to boundaries. Yes to finding ways to make it work.
Yes to art.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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