Happy Sunday.
Sunday nights used to make me sad. I’d be worried about the week ahead and all that I didn’t get done over the weekend.
Lately, I have been relaxing and slowing down a lot during the weekends and I find myself less anxious. Yes it would have been great if I’d done a bit more work.
But what’s even more important to me lately is using the time to fill my cup. To exercise, to work with my kids, to climb with my husband and to read while soaking in the tub.
Work could easily fill up 100% of my life if I let it. So it’s up to me to draw that boundary. It’s up to me to not let it take over my Sunday night.
Tonight, I will relax more. I look forward to another productive week hopefully. Or maybe it will be a disaster. Either way, feeling relaxed tonight is going to help me enjoy this day for as long as I can. Tomorrow, I can tackle whatever Monday throws my way.
Yes to being here now. Yes to taking back Sunday nights.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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