I was walking to the car from the climbing gym today when I saw this drawing. Things feel like this more often than I would like.
There are many things going well in my life. And today’s news was a sigh of relief for a moment at least. And I am grateful for so much of everything I have. Everything I get to do and more.
And yet there’s still more to do and so much going on. And so much of living life anyway. I was doing email tonight since I was wildly behind from being away last week and everyone I emailed replied within minutes. Tons of others doing email at 8, 9, 10pm at night. We are all working all the time. My kids have not seen their friends or been to their school in person in over a year. My little one will get to celebrate his yet another birthday during a pandemic.
Things are “fine.” And yet…
Yes to acknowledging what is. Suppressing or ignoring things doesn’t help us move past them.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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