Today’s #aepiecesofus prompt is full body. I could write pages of posts about my body and all that is wrapped up in my feelings about it.
Instead I decided to tell the story of a new practice I started as a result of my 100-day project around radical wellness.
I now start each morning with a 5-minute kindness meditation while still lying in bed and I end my days with 10 minutes of restorative yoga.
No one would compliment my quiet, calm way of going through life. I am always go go go. I speak fast, listen to books and videos on 2-3x speed, I like to get places faster, get things done done done. Most days, I push myself emotionally, psychologically, mentally, and physically.
Years ago, when I did yoga regularly, the last minute spent on shavasana was my least favorite. I would lie there and think of the millions of things I still had to get done. Or I’d start feeling sad about someone I let down, etc. I often felt like I might jump out of my skin during that minute.
The restorative yoga is like taking that minute and extending it to the whole class.
And yet I’ve grown to love it.
Ending my days by slowing down, with poses that make my body relax and feel supported has been one of the best gifts I can give myself.
Yes to trying new things. Yes to taking care of myself. Yes to yoga. Yes to rest.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes #aepiecesofus
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