Today’s #aepieceofus prompt was eyes closed. I snapped this photo of Jake and I at the climbing gym and even though the color is all off because of being inside the gym I still love this photo.
For the last year the only place I’ve been going when I leave the house is either to do grocery shopping which we do touchless or the climbing gym with Jake now that we are in the orange zone.
Three times a week we go and climb for 2 hours. There are lots and lots of things I can say about it but one of my favorite things is that it’s time that Jake and I spent together just the two of us and we literally hold each other up and support each other as we climb.
There are many things I love about my husband and at the very top of the list is who he is and who he makes me want to be. He has always added light into my life and has always made me strive to be a better version of myself. These hours at the gym are no exception. I’m so grateful for him and so grateful that he’s encouraging me to get stronger.
Yes to time together and yes to getting stronger and yes to people who make you want to be a better version of yourself.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes #aepiecesofus
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