Today’s #aepiecesofus prompt is “hands” and it was the perfect prompt for celebrating a small win with the journaling.
Since I couldn’t get into the journaling routine for months now, I decided to try a new trick. When I am done with exercise and finally sit at my desk, I set my timer to 5 minutes and journal as much as I can in that time. No pressure to go longer and realistically I almost always have five minutes.
I’ve been able to journal all week so far.
This is the same way I’ve been exercising. 10 minutes of core, 10 minutes of stretching, 10 minutes of arms, 10 minutes of biking and 10 minutes of restorative yoga. 5 minutes of meditation and now 5 minutes of journaling.
It’s been such a gift.
Yes to journaling more. Yes to finding ways to make it work.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes #aepiecesofus
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